I am a third year DPhil (PhD) student in Mathematics at the University of Oxford, supervised by Professor Kobi Kremnizer.

I did my undergraduate degree (MMath) at the University of Oxford. I then worked as a secondary school Maths teacher in Yorkshire, before returning to Oxford in October 2021. My CV is available here.

I am a member of the Algebra Research Group but my research intersects with various areas of Topology and Geometry. My research interests lie in Koszul duality, derived analytic and algebraic geometry, higher category theory, deformation theory, and quantum groups. 

I am currently a lecturer at Jesus College, teaching first and second year Pure Mathematics courses. I am also the President of the Mathematrix society for minorities in Mathematics at Oxford. 

Pronouns: she/her

Drop me an email at firstname.lastname@maths.ox.ac.uk or come find me in my office N2.16 if you have any questions about my research. I am also always keen to talk about Mathematics education as well as diversity in Mathematics.