27/1/25 - Topology Seminar - The University of Copenhagen
19/11/24 - Algebraic Geometry Seminar - The University of Glasgow - `Representability of Derived Bornological Stacks' notes
11/6/24 - DOGs (Derived Obsessed Graduate Students) Seminar - onlineĀ - `DAnG It! An Introduction to Derived Analytic Geometry' slides and video
28/5/24 - Algebraic Topology Seminar - The University of Warwick - `A Representability Theorem for Stacks in Derived Geometry Contexts' notes
16/5/24 - CALF Seminar - The University of Bath - `A Representability Theorem for Stacks in Derived Geometry Contexts' notes
22/1/24 - Research Seminar on Algebraic Topology - The University of Hamburg - `Representability Theorems in Derived Geometry' notes
13/11/23 - PUDDLES seminar - Department of Computer Science, The University of Oxford - `Categorical Frameworks for Geometry' notes
18/5/23 - Warwick AGATA Seminar - The University of Warwick - `Derived Geometry Relative to Monoidal Quasi-abelian Categories' notes
19/4/23 - Women in Number Theory and Geometry Spring Retreat Contributed Geometry Talk - Chesterfield - `Derived Geometry Relative to Monoidal Quasi-abelian Categories' slides
6/4/23 - Dublin Mathematics Colloquium, Geometry Seminar - Trinity College, Dublin - `Derived Geometry Relative to Monoidal Quasi-abelian Categories' notes
10/3/23 - Junior Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar - The University of Oxford - `An Introduction to Relative Algebraic Geometry' notes
7/3/23 - New Directions in Group Theory and Triangulated Categories Seminar - online - `Algebra and Geometry in Monoidal Quasi-abelian Categories' slides and video
4/11/22 - Junior Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar - The University of Oxford - Short Talk: `A Short Introduction to Derived Analytic Geometry' notes
26/8/22 - ARTIN 60th Meeting - The University of Nottingham - August 26th 2022 - `Algebra and Geometry in Monoidal Quasi-abelian Categories' notes
4/3/22 - Junior Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar - The University of Oxford - `Koszul Monoids in Quasi-abelian Categories' notes
14/2/22 - Derived Analytic Geometry Reading Group - `Topologies in the Banach Algebraic Geometry Setting' notes
24/1/22 - Derived Analytic Geometry Reading Group - `An Introduction to Relative Algebraic Geometry' notes
Note: there will probably be mistakes in some of these notes!